Quando à beira da morte, Alexandre convocou os seus generais e relatou seus três últimos desejos:
1 - que seu caixão fosse transportado pelas mãos dos médicos da época; 2 - que fossem espalhados no caminho até seu túmulo os seus tesouros conquistados (prata, ouro, pedras preciosas...); e 3 - que suas duas mãos fossem deixadas balançando no ar, fora do caixão, à vista de todos.
Um dos seus generais, admirado com esses desejos insólitos, perguntou a Alexandre quais as razões. Alexandre explicou:
1 - Quero que os mais iminentes médicos carreguem meu caixão para mostrar que eles NÃO têm poder de cura perante a morte; 2 - Quero que o chão seja coberto pelos meus tesouros para que as pessoas possam ver que os bens materiais aqui conquistados, aqui permanecem;
3 - Quero que minhas mãos balancem ao vento para que as pessoas possam ver que de mãos vazias viemos e de mãos vazias partimos.
Bob Baldwin is a New York-born contemporary jazz musician and producer.
Born December 9, 1960, Mount Vernon, NY
Bob is an American music composer, pianist, record producer, musical arranger, Pianist and compose, who learned how to play directly from his father, Robert (Bob) Baldwin, Sr. During three decades in the entertainment industry, Baldwin has humbly earned two SESAC Music awards for his 2002-2003 airplay of "the Way She Looked At Me" as well as his 2008 airplay on "NewUrbanJazz.com", 1 Grammy Award nomination (2000), and the Sony Innovators Award in 1989 selected by Roberta Flack.
In 1986, Baldwin opened up for Trumpeter Tom Browne at NY's Bottom Line and began to work with Browne on his disc "No Longer I", one of the first recorded Gospel-Jazz albums in 1987. His work caught the ear of Danny Weiss and Dave Wilkes, and they produced Baldwin's first disc, "I've Got a Long Way To Go" on Malaco records in 1988. The project was submitted to the Sony Innovators Award in 1989 and won first place over the group Straight Ahead. Roberta Flack was the finalist judge.
That award caught the attention of Sylvia Rhone, and he the produced 2 discs for Atlantic Jazz in 1990 and 1992 ("Rejoice" and "Reflections of Love"). "Reflections" charted top-20 on the Billboard Contemporary Jazz Charts.
With over 14 discs released to date, his 14th and latest tributes a great artist ("Never Can Say Goodbye", a Tribute to Michael Jackson"). His latest debuted top 20 on the Billboard Contemporary Jazz Chart. Prior to launching his music career, Baldwin's radio exploits began in 1979, when he spun records for his college station, WGEV (Geneva College/Beaver Falls, Pa.), and secured an internship at Inner City Broadcasting (WLIB/WBLS) where he learned news reporting under the tutelage of Pat Prescott. In 1984, he briefly covered the Jesse Jackson Presidential run for WVIP in Mt. Kisco, as well as WJSJ in Jacksonville, KJAZ in Bermuda, and WCLK and WJZZ in Atlanta, Baldwin launched his program, "The NewUrbanJazz Lounge" in 2008.